Expanding the costly clean fuels mandate
House Bill 1409 would accelerate Washington’s clean fuels program, imposing stricter carbon reduction mandates, increased penalties, and costly compliance requirements that will drive up fuel prices and hurt consumers, businesses, and the transportation sector.
Faster, harsher mandates: HB 1409 would raise the carbon intensity reduction requirement to 20% by 2034, four years earlier than the previous law, further increasing costs for fuel producers and consumers.
More bureaucratic penalties: The bill seeks to remove existing legal protections and replace them with severe new penalties, including fines of up to $50,000 per violation, giving the Department of Ecology unchecked authority to punish fuel providers.
Higher costs for Washingtonians: This will raise gas prices. With Washington already paying some of the highest gas prices in the nation, this bill will make it even worse, disproportionately impacting rural communities, small businesses, and working families who rely on affordable transportation.
Instead of pushing extreme fuel mandates that increase costs and limit economic growth, lawmakers should focus on practical, market-driven energy solutions that balance environmental goals with economic reality.
Share your story!
House Bill 1409 would increase fuel costs, hurting communities, individuals, and working families. We want to hear from you if you're already struggling with high gas prices! Republican lawmakers may share your story on the House floor during debate.
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